
Two different color worlds were defined: the corporate colors with a primary and secondary color palette, and the mood colors. The primary colors blue, red, light gray and dark gray are used in corporate and product communications. These are supplemented by the secondary colors. The additional color palette (mood colors) will be used exclusively in corporate communications. The mood colors are also used in images, for textiles, furniture and floor coverings. The color copper is used as a link between the two different color worlds.

Primary colors


The primary colors of the Komax visual identity are blue, red, light gray and dark gray. Komax blue and red appear in the two-color logo. Komax blue and red appear in the two-color logo. Blue is also represented in the color scheme of the brand photography while red works as a highlight color and is mostly used for subheadings. The brand look is based on the two gray colors. Text is generally colored black, with headings also appearing in white on contrasting backgrounds.


CMYK 75 / 40 / 0 / 30

RGB 57 / 105 / 153

PMS 647

RAL 5000 Violet blue

NCS S 4040-R90B

HEX 396999


CMYK 0 / 85 / 60 / 0

RGB 240 / 76 / 84

PMS 1795

RAL 3031 Orient red

NCS S 1080-R

HEX f04c54

Light gray

CMYK 10 / 5 / 5 / 20

RGB 198 / 202 / 205

PMS Cool Gray 4

RAL 7047 Telegray 4

NCS S 2502-B

HEX c6cacd

Dark gray

CMYK 25 / 20 / 20 / 70

RGB 77 / 78 / 77

PMS 1795

RAL 7043 Traffic Gray B

NCS S 7502-B

HEX 4d4e4d

Secondary colors


This secondary palette consists of four colors – derived from the Komax brand colors and complemented by a color referenced as copper. A creative and consistent implementation of this color palette will ensure a cohesive and recognizable corporate identity of the Komax brand. Each color is provided in five different intensities, resulting in a comprehensive and strong palette. Secondary colors can be implemented as required to support the four main colors. They are seen in PowerPoint presentations where they liven up charts and are used in brochures to link graphics to the brand identity.

Extra light blue

CMYK 25 / 10 / 0 / 5

RGB 197 / 213 / 235

PMS 2706

NCS S 1030-R80B

HEX c5d5eb

Light blue

CMYK 45 / 20 / 0 / 15

RGB 139 / 168 / 203

PMS 652

NCS S 2040-R80B

HEX 8ba8cb

Blue, primary color

CMYK 75 / 40 / 0 / 30

RGB 57 / 105 / 153

PMS 647

RAL 5000 Violet Blue

NCS S 4040-R90B

HEX 396999

Mid blue

CMYK 75 / 40 / 0 / 50

RGB 41 / 80 / 119

PMS 653

NCS S 6040-R90B

HEX 295077

Dark blue

CMYK 70 / 40 / 0 / 65

RGB 37 / 62 / 91

PMS 2767

NCS S 8030-R90B

HEX 253e5b

Extra light red

CMYK 0 / 15 / 10 / 10

RGB 235 / 212 / 209

PMS 5245

NCS S 1010-R30B

HEX ebd4d1

Light red

CMYK 0 / 30 / 20 / 10

RGB 236 / 188 / 182

PMS 5025

NCS S 2020-R10B

HEX ecbcb6

Red, primary color

CMYK 0 / 85 / 60 / 0

RGB 240 / 76 / 84

PMS 1795

RAL 3031 Orient Red

NCS S 1080-R

HEX f04c54

Mid red

CMYK 0 / 80 / 50 / 35

RGB 169 / 63 / 71

PMS 7637

NCS S 3060-R10B

HEX a93f47

Dark red

CMYK 0 / 60 / 30 / 70

RGB 97 / 52 / 57

PMS 504

NCS S 7020-R10B

HEX 613439

Extra light gray

CMYK 2 / 2 / 2 / 7

RGB 237 / 237 / 237

PMS Cool Gray 1

RAL 9003 Signal White

NCS S 1502-B

HEX ededed

Light gray, primary color

CMYK 10 / 5 / 5 / 20

RGB 198 / 202 / 205

PMS Cool Gray 4

RAL 7047 Telegray 4

NCS S 2502-B

HEX c6cacd


CMYK 20 / 10 / 10 / 40

RGB 144 / 150 / 154

PMS Cool Gray 6

RAL 7004 Signal Gray

NCS S 4502-B

HEX 90969a

Mid gray

CMYK 25 / 15 / 15 / 50

RGB 118 / 122 / 124

PMS Cool Gray 8

RAL 7037 Dusty Gray

NCS S 6502-B

HEX 767a7c

Dark gray, primary color

CMYK 25 / 20 / 20 / 70

RGB 77 / 78 / 77

PMS Cool Gray 11

RAL 7043 Traffic Gray B

NCS S 7502-B

HEX 4d4e4d

Extra light copper

CMYK 5 / 9 / 11 / 6

RGB 233 / 223 / 217

PMS Warm Gray 1

NCS S 1502-R

HEX e9dfd9

Light copper

CMYK 10 / 17 / 22 / 12

RGB 211 / 195 / 182

PMS 406

NCS S 2005-Y80R

HEX d3c3b6


CMYK 20 / 35 / 40 / 25

RGB 168 / 139 / 122

PMS 7530

NCS S 5010-Y50R

HEX a88b7a

Mid copper

CMYK 20 / 35 / 40 / 50

RGB 122 / 102 / 89

PMS Warm Gray 11

NCS S 6005-Y50R

HEX 7a6659

Dark copper

CMYK 20 / 35 / 40 / 70

RGB 82 / 68 / 59

PMS Black 7

NCS S 8005-Y50R

HEX 52443b



Based on the secondary colors, four different color gradients are available as vector files. They may be used as design elements instead of photos and as backgrounds.



