
Cirris currently produces a Product brochure and About Us brochure that use the same standards.



Cirris brochures focus on clear text content and photography that communicates our message. Pages are created in increments of 4 in order to achieve complete print signatures. Front and back covers should utilize a primary Cirris color background and the hexcube shape.



Basic elements

  1. LogoThe white logo with the Komax subline is used on a color background in the upper left corner.
  2. Brochure titleThe brochure title uses the bold title style and may be divided between the light style to create contrast.
  3. Hex shapeThe cover features the hexcube element. Additionally, one or more images can be featured cropped to the hex shape.
  4. Brochure descriptionA brief description of the brochure indicating to the user what to expect within.
  5. PatternThe front and back covers utilize the hexcube or schematic patterns.



Basic elements

  1. PhotographyUse full-bleed hero images of the product or subject matter at the start of each section.
  2. Title barProduct pages feature the title in bold over a Cirris red title bar.
  3. SubtitleAn additional product identifier or qualifier may follow in a light font on the title bar.
  4. IconsProduct feature icons are placed to the right of the product image overlapping the title bar.
  5. Body textText blocks are aligned left with ragged right edges. Please avoid awkward gaps.
  6. Page numberPage numbers are placed in the bottom left of the left-hand page and the bottom right of the right-hand page.
  7. Technical drawingsTechnical drawings should be clearly labeled
  8. SpecificationsProduct specifications appear in a dedicated section with a light background and may use a smaller point font to accommodate the text.
  9. TabsIn longer documents, section tabs may allow the user to find chapters easily.

Back cover


Basic elements

  1. Contact detailsGeneral contact information centered in the space near the bottom with the text aligned to center.
  2. LogoWhite logo with Komax subline on colored background centered near the bottom.
  3. Version trackingCurrent version of document in the Cirris version tracking format placed in the bottom right.

Layout grid


Layout grid

  1. MarginsTop, bottom, left, and right margins at 0.5".
  2. ColumnsEach single page is arranged in twelve columns, with a 0.1667" gutter.
  3. Inset blocksElements within a colored text block have a 0.1667" inset on all sides.