Raportul anual 2023 online
Grupul Komax a publicat rezultatele sale anuale pentru anul 2023. Citiți mai multe despre evoluțiile din anul financiar 2023, Strategia 2028 și noul raport ESG elaborat în conformitate cu standardele GRI recunoscute la nivel mondial.
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Căutați o modalitate simplă de a vă instrui angajații în mod optim în ceea ce privește utilizarea și întreținerea mașinilor și sistemelor noastre de testare? Komax Academy oferă o gamă largă de cursuri pentru operatori, personalul de întreținere, șefii de tură și personalul de control al calității.
Smart Quality Assurance
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Ad hoc Consistent cost reduction and structural optimizations as the basis for future profitable growth
The first six months of 2024 were shaped by excess capacity in the automotive industry in Europe and Asia and persistent global uncertainties, leading to scaled-back investment activity on the part of customers. This resulted in an order intake that was down 22.1% at CHF 269.5 million (H1 2023: ...
Ad hoc Komax Group mastering challenging market situation
The Komax Group currently finds itself in a market environment shaped by uncertainties and excess capacity in some places, which is why its customers are investing less and postponing projects. As a consequence, it is witnessing a significant decline in its revenues. The Komax Group already ...
Annual General Meeting elects Annette Heimlicher as a new member of the Board of Directors and approves all other proposals
At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 April 2024 at the Culture and Convention Center in Lucerne, the shareholders of Komax Holding AG approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors. They confirmed the re-appointment of the members of the Board of Directors standing for re-election, and ...